Friday, November 15, 2013

Short and To The Point: Filling Out Claim Forms

  Many times when a veteran or his spouse comes into my office to file a claim, but they want to take the forms home. They have another appointment, don't have the information with them, etc. I try to help everyone I can plow through the paperwork on site, but that is not  always possible.

   My advice to anyone filling out their own forms goes like this:
        Read each question carefully.
                   Don't guess at the answers. If you are not sure, bring the forms to you Service Officer.
        Print all your answers plainly. Do not use cursive.
                  You may know what you have written but the VA Grader that processes your claim might not be able to read your scribbles.
        Fill in all the blanks.
                  Example: Many VA forms ask for morning & evening phone numbers. Today it is common for people to have cells phones and no home phone. They put their cell phone number in the 'morning' box and same in the 'evening' box. Put the number in both boxes.

        Get all your financial information together before completing claims that require it.

        Gather up the necessary certificates you might need: discharge, death, marriage, etc.

        Know your doctor's full name, address and phone number and what they treated you for.

        Disability comp claims require What, When, Where & Why types of information.
                  Their needs to be a cause and effect. Yesterday a vet came in and wanted to file an "Agent Orange" claim. There is NO such thing. You have to have a disability related to you time in Vietnam, on the ground or serving in the Blue or Brown water Navy.

   When you have completed the forms and gathered all the necessary documents together, bring them to your county Veteran Service Office so they can check them over before they are shipped off to your Regional VA Office.

   The people that rate claims are not sitting waiting for your claim to land on their desk. They already have a stack of folders they are working on. If they have not their morning coffee or were stuck in traffic on the way to work, they not be in the best frame of might when they look at your claim that is full of scribbles and missing forms. They already have a stack of claims on their desk that they can turn to.

    Be concise, neat and have everything you need. If not sure, go to your VSO office and ask.  
  Remember  or email me at with you questions or write a comment on this blog.         





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